What are the things we should eat before we come home?

Monday, August 11, 2008


Angkor Wat day was today. We woke up at 4:45am to go to the temple. We got there on a tuk-tuk and it was still dark. We thought to ourselves, Ha, we beat the crowd we will be in and out and the crowd will just be waking up. Wrong. There was such a big crowd going in when we got there that we had to wait our turn to take a step. I thought of being a drill sergeant and yelling, "STEP, STEP, STEP, etc. It might have sped things up, but I'm not sure everyone spoke english so it might have caused a bigger mess. When we finally got to the gate a lady asked us to put an incense by Buddha. We turned them down, well I had to grab Nikki and pull her away since she is buddhist now. I'm working on her, don't worry, I think she will come around soon. We made it in to watched the sunrise, we were sure it was going to be clear because our driver told us the day before that he would call to his god, but no to our dismay his god did not give us a clear morning. So we just went in to look at a dark temple. We had to wait to take pictures till we came out, because it was to dark to do it on the way in. It was an impressive temple, but I think Khmer Rouge had gone in to all the worship places and stole all the heads and arms to all of the Buddhas, so they were worshiping Buddha's bottom, I guess. But after an hour in a temple that sometimes takes people days to go through, Nikki and I were ready to do something new, so we started acting like Indiana Jones. We did get up a 4:45am so give me a break, we were tired. Soon we made it out and yes on to the next temple. It was cool as well, at least for a little while, then we were on to the next and the next and the next temple. We saw the temple ruin that is in Tomb Raider, and no we did not act like we were in Tomb Raiders, we were in Indiana Jones still. We did find one temple that we were the only ones out at, so we videoed us having fun, but soon decided it might be blaspheme so we grew up a little bit and act like we were almost our age. There was one spot where some mine victims that were playing traditional music, so because they were doing something and not just begging we donated money, and then later bought a cd from them. Figured we could buy one thing from all the people asking for our money. Soon we finished out ancient temple visit and went to another temple that was functioning. The ancient temples were very cool, don't get me wrong, but we just couldn't do it for very long. At this other temple we took our shoes off and went in and talked to a monk for a little bit, and got a picture with him. They are cool, I guess I don't blame Nikki for joining their religion. Soon after that we made it back to the hotel and gave our tuk-tuk driver $15 for the 8 hrs of work. And that is lots here. We then organized a boat to take us to Battambong tomorrow morning, because we are sick of the tourist capitals. And yes we did make that decision 5 minutes before we did it, because all of our other plans we made were all stumped because the airlines dont fly anywhere right now in all of Cambodia besides the 2 big cities. Not to where we wanted to go.
Also, it rained so hard this afternoon that the roads were rivers of water. Mmm!!! Walking through garbage and sewer water. But it is OK, we will wash our feet tonight. I think the rain might have been mostly made up of the sweat that fell rolled off my face today. It was SO HOT!!!
Well got to go, its time to go and find some Khmer food. Mmm rice with dog and maggots are on the top of my menu tonight. Aren't you jealous?

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