What are the things we should eat before we come home?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Hello?....Helo?... Anyone there?

hey, has anyone heard from our families? Did the rest of the world blow up while we were here? We just haven't heard anything in a few days! This morning we woke up late. Ate breakfast, packed, ate icecream, walked around, and now we're waiting for our bus to the capital - Phnom Penh! Please just keep in mind the internet is our connection with familiarity so it's nice to feel connected!


Kody J said...

Hey, your connection is restored! It sounds like you're having a blast (sarcasm is included) but at least you're alive and enjoying it! It has been fun to read your posts and it has ensured Connie that we will not be doing anything like it anytime soon. We would like to tour Asia but in a slightly different fashion. Glad you guys are safe and we hope that you recuperate quickly! Enjoy the rest of your vacation!

Miriam said...

Rod Says...
You guys are the greatest. You are also the craziest. I'm so jealous. Brian and Diane Dudley talked to Grandpa Palmer and told him that a President someone emailed them to tell them that you two are so special and sure are doing good work with the people there.