What are the things we should eat before we come home?

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Sherri! I hope you're happy! This is all your fault! After church today we walked through a shaded area by something called Wat Phnom and we passed a lady with a basket full of eggs! Not just any eggs, but THE eggs. Bradyn, being the brave one that he is just couldn't pass up the challenge and we bought two! I was ok until I realized we really needed to go through with it! I got so upset that I wouldn't talk to Bradyn the rest of the walk to the hotel and for a few minutes after! I was already sick just thinking about it!!!!! Here's how it went. We packed then headed downstairs for lunch hoping that having normal food would make it easier. Does anything make in easier?

Sherri this is all your fault!!!! Oh and it wasn't an almost hatched chicken egg, but it was a DUCK fetus!!!! Look closely and you can see the feathers coming off it. Sick sick sick sick sick sick sick.... etc!!!

Sherri, this is still your fault! Here is the duck fetus all curled up! Can you see the beak? How about the feet??? And one girl where we bought it at was sitting and eating it like desert!!!!!!

And of course Bradyn is the brave one who went first. He is also the successful one who was able to swallow the fetus! I was gagging as he was putting it into his mouth!

Here he is! Gagging but keeping it down. One chew at a time he got it down!!! Superman!

Need I say more? It got as far as into my mouth and one bite.... then out and back onto the plate!
So needless to say, after this our appetites were completely lost and we could barely finish our food! Luckily there was a little puppy nearby that I fed half of mine too and the remainder of the duck fetuses!

1 comment:

Emily said...

You are disgusting!!