What are the things we should eat before we come home?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The end!

Hello and goodbye! This will be the concluding entry to our blog! We've had fun tromping around Vietnam and Cambodia and would love to do it again some time. Who knows, maybe 20years in the future we will!
The night before we left we decided to stay up late so that we would be tired enough to sleep on the plane. Bradyn fell asleep about 1:30 and I couldn't sleep until 3. We woke up at 4:45 so yes, we were tired.
Two nights previously we had booked a taxi to pick us up at our hotel. The only problem was that our hotel was down a little ally that no car would fit down. It barely fit a motorbike! So we weren't sure how our taxi driver would find us. When we woke up we decided to try meeting the taxi driver on the street. We just didn't know what street. It didn't take long for a taxi to pull up. We showed him the receipt, showing that we had booked and already paid for a taxi. The driver looked at it and then nodded his head and said, "yes yes." We climbed in and were off. Turns out it wasn't the right taxi driver (didn't come as a surprise) and he insisted that we pay him. We were tired and just wanted to be on our way so we paid the driver and walked into the airport. Once again getting ripped off. We figured out that everytime we got in a taxi we were ripped off! They're done now! Hooray!!!
First flight took was just over 2 hours long and took us to Hong Kong. We then had a short layover and boarded the next plane to San Fransisco. That plane was just over a 12 hour ride. LONG! And unfortunately, niether one of us slept. We were tired, but the space was small making it very difficult to get comfortable enough to sleep. Instead we played chess, watched movies and read books. I'm just happy the flight back was shorter then the 14 1/2 hour flight to Hong Kong we were on four weeks earlier!
At San Fransisco we went through customs and then had to wait to get cleared because there was a mix up with my old student visa I had for going to BYU. They just needed to verify that I was indeed no longer a student. We picked up our bags and re-checked them then went through security and waited! By this time we were already exhausted but anxious to get on the next plane and be homeward bound!
Our flight to Calgary was shared with a synchronized swimming team of young teenage girls. We had a good laugh. When we were landing in Calgary, one of the girls said out loud, "I wonder if there are many people here who speak American." Bradyn then said, "I hope you girls have been practising your Canadian!" What can we say? It made us chuckle.
Calgary was a welcome sight. We were through customs in a heartbeat and then were on to pick up our bags. Bradyn's came then we waited for mine. And waited. And waited. It didn't come! Apparently it got left in San Fransisco!!! So my bag was once again lost! Oh well. At least we were going home.
Rod and Sherri picked us up and we started with the stories. A nice dinner to Olive Garden was a wonderful touch! Real Western food again!!! mmmm! We talked and showed pictures until Bradyn nearly fell asleep at the table! We were tired!!!! The drive home was uneventful. We made a couple stops but eventually pulled into the driveway! Yay! Home sweet home!
The welcome home was a little bit dampened when we went to crawl into to bed. Bradyn put his hand under the pillow to find a nice pile of saw dust and mouse poop! Mice had been living under our pillows and our bed while we were gone!!!! Sick sick sick! And when we went to get clean sheets, each drawer that had the sheets was also covered in saw dust and mouse poop! We did a quick clean up job and used what clean-ish sheets we could find and then crashed! The soft bed and soft pillows were great. We weren't conscious for very long, so we couldn't relish the feeling of the comfort. But it was nice either way. This morning the mouse came and visited Bradyn up on the bed!!! Eek! So we are off to get some traps! And pick up our cat!!!! Yucky yucky yucky!!! Even at home, there is never a dull moment!

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