What are the things we should eat before we come home?

Friday, August 8, 2008

Phnom Penh Cambodia

Hey we're back!!! And no, no shark ate us as we flew from Nha Trang to Ho Chi Min City, and then on bus to Phnom Penh. We bought our bus tickets out of Ho Chi Min City back in Nha Trang (about 6 hr bus drive, or 45 min flight) and when we got there we lost our receipt to our bus tickets and had no idea where in the city we needed to be, so we got a taxi driver to take us to a place he thought it would be. We paid him with more money than we needed to so he told us he would give our money back. He drove us there and then helped us get our bags out of the trunk, and then when we tried to get our money back he jumped in and slammed the door and took off. JERK. We then went from station to station until we found the one that we had bought tickets for and got on and made our 6 hr trip to Phnom Penh. When we got here a Tuk Tuk driver, cart behind motorbike, gave us a ride to a hotel for the night. The next day we got a hold of the mission presidency to try and get service that we could do. The councilor told us he could see us the next day. We spent Thursday visiting the Killing Fields and S21. Made us sick to see what they went through. Words or pictures cant do justice, so we don't have much of either. Today we got a hold of the Councilor and he took us around and showed us a bunch of church buildings and talked to us about things and answered questions we had. We saw a bunch of foam in the water at one spot, and it stunk like sewer, but we saw a bunch of people out in the water with nets and things pushing the water and foam around. We asked the Councilor what they were doing and he said they were crazy people playing in so much bacteria. They were seeing what they could find coming out of the sewer. YUCK. Then the sewer went right out into vegetable field. MMM!!! We then shopped at the market for a couple hrs and bought a few things, including paintings that they rolled up for us. We finally figured out how to bargin, and had a contest to see who did the best at it. Overall it was a pretty close tie. We took those to the post office and asked them to wrap them up. So they just taped them up in a roll. We said that we wanted them in a cardboard tube so they didn't bend. The lady stared looking and all of a sudden she got a happy look on her face and grabbed a styrafoam and cut it in half and squished our paintings in between them and taped it up. Oh well. We spent a while looking for the orphanage after that, but it had moved to the other side of town, so we plan to go to it after our trip to Siem Reap tomorrow for a few days. While we were talking to the Councilor he brought us to see the other one, and they talked to us a while about their experience during the Khmer Rouge rule. The one had lived just down the street from where all the fighting was going on 10 yrs ago, not the main thing, just a last stab back that the Khmer Rouge did. He said him and his family were terrified. So as soon as it was all over, they moved to a different part of town. The other Councilor was there, we think from the beginning, and was scared for his life, so he lied about his education and acted like he didn't know how to read or write or anything. He then, when the Khmer Rouge rule was over let his education out of hiding again.
Overall the we have already seen that the Cambodians are a lot nicer and fun to sit and talk to compared to the Vietnamese.
Still looking for spiders to eat though. The problem is that everytime we get into a food market that might have them in it we get to sick from the strong stink that we get out as fast as we can so we can get some fresh carbon monoxide air.

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