What are the things we should eat before we come home?

Saturday, August 9, 2008

August 9 - What a harrowing experience

Dun Dun Dah! We made it to Siem Reap on the bus today with an eventful stop along the way! We stopped in a little town called Skone and it is there that one of Cambodia's most famous delicacies are sold! TARANTULAS!!! We told people at home we would eat them but when the moment of truth came, we got the heaby geabies and almost chickened out. Notice how I said ALMOST. We watched as an asian kid ate one cheered him on. Bradyn offered to be a sponsor, but the only sponsor they wanted was someone to eat their remaining two spiders!!! Even thinking about it now initiates the gag reflex for both of us. Bradyn was up first. I ran and got the water for him then watched as he slowly brought the tarantula to his mouth and then in and closed!! Chomp, chomp, chomp! mmmmm! Just like chicken - NOT! It actually was more like chomp, gag, chomp, gag, gag, gag, chomp....swallow! Yay for Bradyn! Only complaint was legs between his teeth. Then it was my turn. :( Oh no! I was not as victorious as Bradyn. My experience was more like cry, bring the spider to the mouth, pull it away, bring it to the mouth, in, close, chomp, chomp, GAG! Find a garbage and throw it all up! But we did it. It wasn't really the taste that bothered us, but the thought that we were EATING tarantulas. Bradyn couldn't handle the crunch of the legs and I couldn't handle the thought of the gut! Well, that experience is over! Happy day!
We arrived in Siem Reap around 3, found a hotel with a pool (the other cheaper one was full) and then went shopping! What's a girl to do? I came home happily with many bags in hand! I think Bradyn and I have finally learned how to truly bargain! :) Bradyn said he was embarrassed to walk beside me, his loss! Tomorrow is church, then the next day we're heading out to see the temples of Angkor! Hi Ho, Hi Ho!

1 comment:

Sherri said...

You did it. YOu are your trantula. I know exactly what you mean with your stomach loosing it and crying. I did it with rat and the tail bones between the teeth. AND the water bottle to wash it down. Hope you got great pictures. Blog us all the picture as soon as you can. AND if you forgot to take pictures you gotta do it again.
Love ya and be safe. MOM