What are the things we should eat before we come home?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Day 1 in Vietnam

We made it here finally after 23 hrs of travel. That is "WE" are here. Our bags are not. They got left in San Fransisco for some reason. They are on their way now hopefully. We left everything in them, but some treats and money and papers. After filling out all these papers we finally made it out of the airport at 11:30 pm vietnam time, or 10:30 am back home. We had a nice surprise when we made it outside. It was so humid we had trouble breathing for a bit and there was a crowd just sitting on chairs and watching us all walk out. We felt like celebrities, just the people didn't have camera's. The first guy we talked to was a taxi driver. He wanted 700,000 dong for the ride. We heard that it should have been just over 150,000 for both of us. RIP OFF. We did deal with other taxi drivers and got it down to 200,000 dong. The roads were CRAZY!!! We put our seat belts on and hoped we would make it alive. It was a one lane road, used as a 3 lane road going both directions. Honk, Honk, Honk was the way we made it around. Biggest vehicles win. The taxi driver would jam his way into a traffic jam and somehow squeeze his way in. On the way in the taxi we saw a construction site in the middle of an intersection, and hung from one of the trucks was a hammock with a man taking his turn sleeping while the others worked. We finally made it to the hotel and it was full, but the lady was very nice in helping us find a spot for the night. She also helped us understand that the prices are not the same anymore as they are in the travel guide book. We did finally get in to the hotel and fell asleep. This morning we saw a HUGE rat run across the roof across from us and crawl into a little hole. I think I will eat one later!! Teach them to be so big.. The streets are busy, life is good, and we will update you later.

Monday, July 28, 2008

We are off tomorrow

We are now heading to calgary tonight to spend it at Nikki's cousin's place so we can be to the airport first thing tomorrow morning. Our plane flies out at 9:15 am tomorrow morning. Very excited